Je suis un artiste, motherfucker

Age 41, Male


Over the rainbow

Joined on 2/19/01

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Sorry I couldn't be there this year, I was committed to the Denver Beerfest Meetup before I knew the TGS date!

Nice presentation! How many languages do you personally speak?

Thanks Tom! It would have been awesome to get to see you but maybe next time :) Forgot to mention that your new game looks great, btw!

I just speak Swedish, English and Japanese - which might seem impressive but I majored in East-Asian Studies and Japanese language for 3 1/2 years, so more than anything it'd be surprising if I didn't speak the language.

Way to go, man! Especially with bein' all super-lingual. I had a tiny ounce of hope that it would be played with the English dialog, but japanese subtitles alone probably wouldn't have had the full effect on the audience.

Rock on man and keep makin' games... like forever!

Thanks Josh, and thanks a bunch for the donation man! Yeah, the English version is imho ten times funnier but I think 95% of the audience was Japanese, so...

You do have this cool and unique style that is appealing these days.

People like 'weird' which is oddly enough 'weird' in itself. I guess people enjoy the new and fun ideas people can come up with.

You speak Japanese very well.

And such a way to travel! All the way from Sweden to Japan!

So cool how people can travel!

Wow, a lumberjack from Over The Rainbow can make a creative game, speak three languages fluently and show them off that the Tokyo Game Show! Continue making more cool things for us, especially with zombies.

You remind me of Jerry Trainor

Pretty cool presentation, didn't know about the easter egg

I only added it after somebody who left a comment on Kongregate started a rumor you could play again as a zombie if you refreshed the game 80 times.

Nice video, but why isn't there a little box with a japanese man making funny faces?

haha! if it had been televised, you know the box would have been there :)

Wow, congrats! You must be very proud.

You have a great voice

Really professional presentation.

You're totally deserving of all the success it's enjoyed so far.

Great job again man.

Thanks Harry!

Congrats that went great. Are the shaking ducks at you?

They are! They were instructed to shake them when they "feel a sense of wonder".

OMG! :O! you are a superstar now xDD!

gratz! :D

Part of me wonders how something like this wasn't done before, or at least if it WAS done before, how it didn't come to more attention.

But at the same time, I'd say if I were to choose anyone to do it first I'd be glad it was you because you really nailed it best.

The zombie bit I didn't know about, that's awesome and funny as hell.

Best of luck with your future ventures! I bet the industry is going to get a lot out of you. Just imagine, your name signed in an instruction manual to a famous game or something. Oh the glamor.

I don't think I'll ever join the industry, but thanks!

great stuff. I need to make it over to japan sometime

thanks Luis!!

'Grats! But I would be more surprised if you didn't get the recognition you're getting, because You Only Live Once really has a brilliant and massively original concept, with a near perfect execution! Kudos and cheers!

Dan isn't as down with the kids as Tom is.
Also, that guy with the bowtie and noisemaking thing sounds annoying. How did you survive standing next to him? D=

He's Kiyoshi Shin, the head of IGDA (international game developer's association) in Japan. His way of talking might seem really annoying but I actually thought he was really funny, he's got this dorky persona and he isn't afraid to use it to make people laugh.

Talking of celebrities, the person who's asking me why I came is Keita Takahashi, the guy behind Katamari Damacy and Noby noby boy.

Hey, great job, you did a good presentation.

great goal,man!
but a question about game:the level has an end or is continue??

you can finish the game, yes. there's 7-8 screens, plus a boss in the end (Sir Giant Pink Lizard).

This is really impressive man. And you know at least 3 languages?? There's nothing to be embarrassed about dude. Huge congrats.

Ps: I have the key to immortality.

j ai aimé le Je suis un artiste, motherfucker , lol

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