Je suis un artiste, motherfucker

Age 41, Male


Over the rainbow

Joined on 2/19/01

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6.58 votes
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I have a good feeling about this game.

Nice to hear!

I love the style that's coming through, wether it's deliberate or not, this has a lot of character to it. I'm not sold on how a lot of things work though. It looks really jittery and counter-intuitive where I wish things like jumping on enemies, scoring points or getting hit would give bolder reactions n have more impact. Right now everything's kind of frail and not very actioney at all. I hate tiny little bullets cruisin along the sky aswell, but maybe that's just me.

I liked Free Will the game.

Thanks, that's pretty good feedback. But I think it's pretty actioney though, even if frail. D'you think I should add a screen shake when you get hurt, or something like that? (btw, the working title of this game was Super Free Will)

looks like its gunna be a top...
what r the purple circles on the enemys? is it that they are gunna be shooting??
kidnal ooks liek it but im just wondering if i cud rate it right now i wud rate it 10/10

yep, that's it.

Fucking love that turnip!

Looks nice, I like the art direction and your ability to slap everything into the gameplay like the credits and whatnot.

Maybe I should cook one of these up too :\

Those bats...they want me to tap them in time to the music.

Neat how they follow the lil turnip to his doom. There needs to more games where the AI actually does something when your hero cops it.

Looks awesome, it will definitely be funky. I like how the ground shaped up as the credits.

Also, what I-smel said.


Ok well I think that when green numbers appear they should have some kind of pop. Like a quick green opening-circle animation or something. I think that should also make a sound, and maybe the sound should go up in pitch as your combo multiplier goes up.
When you get hit I think a really quick camera shake would work, but also you should change what turnip looks like for a sec- like give him a D: face or some kind of uncomfortable expression, make him slightly red for a sec or rotate him a bit. You should have a sound there aswell, like an electrocuted buzz or something.

So yeah, that's what I'd do anyway

Thanks, good advice. There is sound in the game though, just couldn't record it while playing so I just put the music over it.

I will wait for this coming. Your games are really something.

Are you ever going to finish Another Weird Ordeal or
Portal Fighter Saga?
Anyway you said in one of those games you lost the.fla-file but that is not an excuse now there are softwares that you can rip .fla-file from flv files that are on websites like this one.
Now I see you have more time because you making new games so maybe you could finish does games.
=/ Since shenmue may not be made at least I could get your game that gave me a little of that shenmue feeling...

I really like it, I mean, a fast paced platformer-shooter with several different skills, LSD powerup, catchy music starring a TURNIP? COUNT ME IN ALREADY!

Looks really fun xD

AAAAHHHHH i wanna play :<

i wanna play it now

i like it i imagine this like steering shots with the mouse or sumthin and then wasd i love those types of games where u play a turnip or a toast thats cool
also nice music
good work

so awesome, i can't wait to play it...