
60 Game Reviews

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if it wasn't so incredibly easy

I think I got to level 12 when I gave up... ONCE and only ONCE had a stick actually been able to attack my castle... and that was the first fucking one, because I thought it'd be fun to drop him inside the castle. TOO EASY! TOO REPETETIVE! could have been better if there were more customisations available as well, like, I dunno, training converts into other stuff...

great game

but sadly, I have to agree with the previous reviewer (ConSi). really really boring. with your talent, you should make an adventure/RPG game with fighting elements instead. great animation. needs new music though, that loop will drive you insane. too slow, too unvaried (attacks, backgrounds, enemies, everything).


that was enormously wicked. could hardly believe my eyes when I saw the graphics. A few suggestions though:
1) make it easier to see who's on your team and who's not, like a different colour on the marker or whatever. first round, gave my mates a bit of a beating.
2) if you haven't attacked, maybe you should have some kind of "are you sure?" if you chose "wait", because I accidentally clicked it a few times. additionally, maybe you should have different colours for the different command buttons, so that it becomes easier to distinguish between them.
anyways, cheers and keep up the god work, mate!

NG's best fighter

probably NG's best fighter. loads better than my Portal Fighter II, at any rate.

Jannata responds:

Thank you. I enjoyed your Portal Fighter too.

revolution? um

big words, small game

I dunno

Poorly programmed, as the previous reviewer pointed out... no, that's not cheating, that's the game being flawed. Although I love QTE's and use them in some of my games (AWO and the upcoming Benmue) I really can't be too lenient with this game. Hence the low score.


should have used more characters and backgrounds. I would like to say that there should have been more moves as well but seeing as I made PFII I'm not really in any position to complain about that. or am I? strange as it may seem, most people would proably feel it would be more appropriate for somebody who never touched flash to ask for more moves, than for me. never mind. an OK game all in all. at least there's an effort behind. and cheat codes!

I was just about to say

that this reminds of a game I made... namely Portal Fighter II, but then I played it and realise it was quite different indeed. Um. good game, but really ugly.

what's wrong

it is a very good game, for newgrounds standards, although it has many cons. The absolute best part is the sound - the pimp's voice was absolutely great - but the graphics are at times really really bad. Also, I think that the other segments, except for the adventure one, are pretty unnecessary. Alright, the first one is ok, but the shooting part is just awful, and would probably on it's own have been blammed. And another thing.... "One year in the making"? Honestly...

Je suis un artiste, motherfucker

Age 41, Male


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